

Gentlemen, the Order and its Lady


Gentlemen, the Order and its Lady

Last Friday, September 4, the exhibition on the Order of the Lady of Elche and the figure of Antonio Martínez Maciá was inaugurated at the Centro Cultural Las Clarisas. "Caballeros, la Orden y su Dama" reflects the essence of the foundation of the Order of the Knights of the Lady of Elche, a work done by Antonio Martínez Maciá, "Pin", between 1968 and 1995, years in which he was founder and president of the same, promulgating and spreading the Lady throughout the world.

The exhibition takes a tour where the love that "Pin" felt for the culture of Ilicitana and for the "Queen Mora" is expressed; his interest in granting different personalities of national life, provincial and local, the medals of the Order as a prize for his work on behalf of Elche and its culture.

When visiting "Knights, the Order and its Lady" we can find its great work, shown through original documentation, emblematic pieces -some donated by the School Museum of Pusol, among which stands out a bust of "Pin", work of the sculptor Pérez Alba- and press of the time, that move us to the foundations of the construction of the ilicitana identity. The imposition of honorary medals on illustrious figures; appointments as Maid of Honor to female personalities and the presence in the award of medals of the figure of the "Living Lady", as a present and permanent symbol of the same, form a historical legacy that remains alive today.

Until October 4 you can enjoy this exhibition in Las Clarisas. Do not miss it!

Authors: Estefanía Soler Selma, curator of the exhibition, and Rafael Martínez García, director of Proyecto Pusol.

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